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Glossary of Key Words and Phrases

Key words and phrases appearing elsewhere on this website or otherwise related to the subject matter are collected together here in one place for easy reference. Many are non-English words, so this glossary should prove useful to those who are not already familiar with them. This is provided for reference or private use only. It is not to be reproduced in any form for the public domain or distribution without prior permission.

© Waseem Iqbal, METRA, 2002.

Note: This glossary is still being compiled, so it is not completed. Last updated on 3 October 2002.
Agiba Name of the seventh heaven; see Samá'.
Ard A (Planet) Earth; does NOT rhyme with 'hard'!
Asrár al-Quran A The secret or hidden meanings of the Holy Quran; sing. Sirr means secret.
Awliya Allah A Muslim saints, literally 'Friends of Allah', may Allah be pleased with them all.
Buráq A The heavenly animal, like a winged horse, on which prophet Muhammad (SAWS) flew on the night journey (Isrá) from Makkah to Jerusalem, then back from Jerusalem to Makkah after returning from the ascension (Mi'ráj); derived from b-r-q, 'to glitter, sparkle or flash like lightning'; see the article on the Buráq.
Dábbah A Generic Quranic term for all living creatures or animals that are scattered throughout the universe (HQ 42:29); derived from d-b, basically, anything that creeps/crawls or moves about, such creatures whose existence is clearly not confined to planet earth; see also Dubb.
Dubb A The constellation Ursa Minor (al-Dubb al-Asghar) or Ursa Major (al-Dubb al-Akbar), or the 'Little Bear' and 'Great Bear' respectively; ordinarily means Bear (animal); see also Dábbah.
Fulk A (Flying) Ship; Fulk is related to 'Falak' meaning celestial body (or its orbit) or star, and denotes a ship, clearly with a connection to the stars or rounded/dome/breast shaped like a celestial body, the most common shape of present day 'Flying Saucers' (see also Tashtari); derived from f-l-k describing this shape.
Fulk al-mashhún A Literally 'Laden Interstellar Ship', the term used in the Holy Quran to describe Noah's 'Ark' (as it is often misleadingly translated), which bore prophet Núh (Noah) and some other members of mankind as well as animals whom Allah decided to save from the Great Flood on earth; see Fulk and the article on Noah's Ark.
Ghaib A Hidden, invisible or supernatural; commonly translated as the 'Unseen'; Basically, anything that is normally hidden or invisible, present or residing outside the range of the conscious physical senses is said to be ghaib, and therefore, part of the unseen, hidden realm or invisible domain ('álam al-ghaib); derived from gh-y-b, 'to be hidden or concealed'.
Ghair Makhlúq A A common Urdu expression for extra-terrestrials, which literally means other living creatures or creation that are apart from us, though technically the term Makhlúq incorporates all of creation.
Haqíqa A Truth (Haqq), reality, the facts, true nature or the true state of affairs (with which different people are aquainted to a greater or lesser degree).
Isrá A Specifically, the night journey of the holy prophet Muhammad (SAWS)
Jinn A Terrestrial creatures co-existing with humans on earth (as well as other planets) but in another dimension, so are not normally visible. Whereas humans are created of the 'earth' element, these beings are created of the element 'fire' (HQ 55:15) without a physical counterpart/body. They are believed to be what are known as the fairies, gnomes, elementals etc. in the west. The Holy Quran, and therefore all previous scriptures from God too, are addressed to both men and jinn (e.g. see HQ 55:31). Some bad ones amongst them may be responsible for some of the negative alien encounter experiences such as alien abductions by the 'greys'. Jinns are able to transfigure themselves and appear to humans in various guises. Derived from j-n, 'to hide or conceal'. See the articles section for more detailed information on the jinn.
Khaliswa Name of the sixth heaven; see Samá'.
Lailat al-Mi'ráj A The night of the ascension (of the holy prophet Muhammad (SAWS)); also known as Shabb-e-Mi'ráj in Urdu; this night is commemorated widely throughout the muslim world and occurs on the 27th of the month of Rajab; see also Mi'ráj and Mi'ráj al-Nabi.
Malá al-A'la A Occupants of the upper realms of heaven including angels. [more info to be added]
Maláikah A Angels. [more info to be added]
Ma'rifa A Gnosis. [more info to be added]
Markab A General term for a ship or vessel of any kind including intergalactic ships; synonymous with Hebrew Merkavah; derived form r-k-b, 'to ride, mount or travel in/on'; pl. Marákib.
Masjid al-Aqsa A The 'distant' mosque in Jerusalem from where the holy prophet Muhammad (SAWS) began his ascent to the heavens on board the Mi'ráj; built on the site of the 'Temple of Solomon'.
Masjid al-Harám A The 'sacred' mosque in Makkah from where the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) began his night journey (Isrá) mounted on the Buráq.
Ma'un A Name of the second heaven; see Samá'.
Mi'ráj A Heavenly ladder, specifically the one in which the holy prophet Muhammad (SAWS) ascended to heaven, often translated in its adjectival form meaning 'ascension'; Mi’ráj ( XAj®ø ) ordinarily means a ‘ladder’, ‘stairs’, or in another specific context, like the ‘handle’ of a ladder on which angels or souls ascend (Kitáb al-Urús). It is derived from the arabic root < X -i - ™ > meaning ‘to ascend, mount, or rise’; a whole section of this website is dedicated to the Mi'ráj, in particular the Mi'ráj al-Nabi, where there is a lot more information to be gained.
Mi'ráj al-Nabi A The (physical) ascension of the holy prophet Muhammad (SAWS), or specifically the actual vehicle (Markab) in which he ascended, an event which is widely celebrated in the muslim world in the month of Rajab; it occurred in a state of full consciousness with both soul and body; see also Mi'ráj and Lailat al-Mi'ráj.
Munírah A Name of the fifth heaven; see Samá'.
Muzaiyan A Name of the third heaven; see Samá'.
Nagan S A female serpent; these are female humans who are able to transform themselves into serpents.
Raff Raff A A teleportation module looking like a tray used to transport its occupants to their destination instantly in a flash along paths of an energy grid, as one system in 'heaven' used by the holy prophet Muhammad (SAWS) during the Mi'ráj to meet the 'Divine presence'; derived from r-f, 'to gleam, flash or appear suddenly'.
Rafí'a A Name of the first heaven; see Samá'.
Rajab A The islamic calendar month in which the holy prophet Muhammad (SAWS) ascencded to heaven on the MI'ráj.
Rijál al-ghaib A Literally, 'Men of the Unseen'; that is, any human or humanoid, being humanlike, normally residing in another dimension or elsewhere, hidden from us earthly/physical human beings; see also Ghaib.
Sajjáda A Flying carpet; popular term for 'UFOs' (Utilised Flying Objects!) in Baghdad during the times of Khalifa Harun al-Rashid and Shaikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani; ordinarily a muslim prayer rug; derived from s-j-d, 'to bow down in worship or prostrate oneself'; pl. Sajjád.
Sakínah A Immanence or 'the presence of God'; tranquillity; this term is used to describe the cloud resembling vessels manned by angels in the ahadith; it is synonymous with the Hebrew Shakhínah; derived from s-k-n, 'to become calm or peaceful'; pl. Sakáin; see the article 'Recite! For it is as-Sakinah'.
Samá' A Heaven or sky; pl. samawát; the term 'Heaven' is not to be confused with Paradise (Jannah); the plurality of heavens refer to the zones of the cosmos. [more info to be added]
Samá' al-Duniya A The sky of the earth also known as the first heaven; see Samá'.
Shi'ra A Sirius (the 'dog-star'); Allah is described in the Quran as the "Lord of Sirius" (HQ 53:05).
Tashtari U Urdu term for 'Flying Saucer' (Tashtari- Urne Wáli); ordinarily, a saucer.
Vimanas A heavenly chariot; Ancient term for Flying Saucers in the subcontinent.
Zahira A Name of the forth heaven; see Samá'.
